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Top 3 ways to extract images from .docx/.doc Word documents

Found This Blog post. Very Helpful. Who knew a .docx file is a .zip file? Read here

Taming Facebook

Facebook can be a confusing beast. Most of us have a love hate relationship with it. We love that it connects us with our friends and family. But we hate how things keep changing and how Facebook

XBMC – How to subscribe to TV Shows and add them to your library

      I have been doing a lot with XBMC lately. If you don’t know XBMC is, it is a Media front end for your Movies, Music and Pictures. I will be covering more about it

Comment, Comment, Do you have a Comment?

Walking Through a Foot of Mud There is a word that describes my journey with today’s topic and that word is “Trudge”. Trudge – walk slowly and with heavy steps, typically because of exhaustion or harsh conditions.

You won’t believe how much you will learn while having fun.

When I was in school I didn't like learning very much. I could never see the point. It wasn't until High School when I took an offset printing class that began to

WordPress Plugin Guide

As I really start focusing on WordPress for all my website needs. I realized digging through tons of plugins can be a very time-consuming endeavor. In my search I am starting to

Taking note with Evernote

So today a friend of mine inspired me to make time to do more blog posts (You can read his blog postĀ  Here.) I have been meaning to add moreĀ  content on regular bases and since I

Need to make a Gif image?

Animated gifs have made a comeback lately since google+ and Facebook started allowing them in your feed. If you want to try your hand at making your own check out . You can take any video

Flickr to WordPress

See how flickr and WordPress can work together.

WordPress Security Tips